Child Psychological Evaluations in Baltimore

Concerned about your child's psychological well-being? Our team of expert psychologists in Baltimore is here to provide comprehensive evaluations and support for your child's mental health needs.

Child Psychological Evaluation in Baltimore

What Our Pediatric Psychological Assessment Services Include

  • ADHD Assessment: Our process for evaluating and diagnosing ADHD involves detailed questionnaires and interviews to examine attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity patterns. This ensures that we provide an accurate diagnosis and create a personalized plan for managing ADHD.
  • Developmental Disorders Evaluation: In order to identify and diagnose a variety of anxiety disorders such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Panic Disorder, we conduct thorough clinical interviews and use symptom-specific questionnaires. This helps us identify excessive worry, fear, and behavioral changes, allowing us to develop a tailored treatment plan.
  • Anxiety Disorders Examination: For diagnosing anxiety disorders like Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Panic Disorder, we conduct thorough clinical interviews and use symptom-specific questionnaires. This helps us identify excessive worry, fear, and behavioral changes, allowing us to develop a tailored treatment plan.
  • Autism Spectrum Assessment: Our assessment for autism involves behavioral observations, caregiver interviews, and standardized tests. We evaluate social communication and repetitive behaviors, providing a comprehensive view of your child's strengths and challenges to create a personalized support plan.

Our process

Initial Clinical Diagnostic Interview

We start with a 60-90 minute session to discuss your child’s medical history, family background, development, education, and social life. This initial meeting is scheduled on a different day than the testing session. During this time, we explain what to expect during the testing session and address any questions or concerns you may have.


Testing typically occurs in a single session lasting between 2-6 hours, depending on the child’s age, functioning level, and the reason for referral. We administer a customized set of tests tailored to address specific concerns. These tests may evaluate intelligence, academic skills, reading, math, writing, language, memory, visual skills, attention, executive functions, emotions, behavior, social skills, adaptive skills, and fine-motor functions. You or your child might need to complete questionnaires, and input from teachers or close individuals may also be gathered.


In a 1-hour session, we review the test results, highlighting your child’s strengths and areas of concern. We discuss our diagnostic findings and offer practical recommendations. This session provides an opportunity for you to ask any questions about the results or our recommendations. Our goal is to ensure you fully understand the findings and feel supported in taking the next steps.


After completing the evaluation, you will receive a detailed report. This report includes a summary of your child’s history, test results, diagnostic impressions, and recommendations. We only share this report with individuals to whom you have given written permission to receive it.

Why Choose Us for Child Psychological Assessment Services in Baltimore?

We tailor our psychological assessments to each child's unique strengths and weaknesses, gathering insights from parents, teachers, and others involved in their life. After testing, we discuss the results with parents, provide diagnoses if needed, and recommend strategies to support the child's growth.',

Our detailed reports guide other professionals working with your child, ensuring consistent and informed care. Our team of skilled child psychologists uses evidence-based methods to understand your child's emotions, behavior, and development, giving us a full picture of their needs for the most effective support.

Frequently Asked Questions About Child Psychological Evaluations

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Individual Therapy

Tailored Approach: Customized to address your child's specific needs and circumstances. Safe and Supportive Environment: A space where your child can feel secure and express themselves without judgment. Emotional Exploration: Encouraging your child to delve into their feelings and experiences to foster self-awareness and emotional regulation.

Cognitive & Developmental Interventions

Our dedicated team specializes in delivering personalized cognitive and developmental interventions to effectively tackle challenges like ADHD, learning disabilities, and developmental delays. Through collaborative efforts with families, we craft tailored strategies to bolster your child's cognitive abilities and academic progress.

Hear from our Clients


The ADHD assessment was smooth and thorough. The team worked with our child's school and kept us updated. We now have a clear diagnosis and a plan to help our child. Highly recommend!




Our son was feeling really down. The team here helped us understand their feelings and provided great support.




The developmental evaluation gave us key insights. The specialists were patient and understanding.



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We're here to help! Schedule a free consultation with one of our expert child psychologists. Share your concerns, ask questions, and discover how we can work together to support your child's well-being.